
Single Code-base: Future Platform for Mobile Application Development

by | Nov 29, 2021 | Application Development | 0 comments

By : Oracle

Application Development

November 29, 2021

The banking sector has seen massive transformation in recent years as a result of developing technologies. The future of banking is moving toward cross-platform mobile frameworks (Flutter, React Native, Ionic, and so on) as well as a dynamic backend that might comprise a series of databases, each storing different aspects of the data. The banking sector chooses a Single Code-base mobile application development platform for developing its applications. Banking necessitates constant data flow between the front end and the backend. This necessitates extensive technical expertise on the part of the banks, which is not their primary area of expertise. Banks may get out of this situation by making change simpler for themselves. Implementing a single code base is one efficient method they could do. In your company, a single code-base equates to homogeneity. You won’t have to develop Android and iOS apps individually if you use a single code base.


Here are a few benefits of mobile application development from a single code-base: –

UI Uniformity

Tablets, phones, laptops, desktops, and other devices are all available, and they are all utilized at different times and with different operating systems. You receive a consistent user experience across devices when you employ a single code-base.


Minimizing upgrade costs

Cyber crooks will always target outdated software. The upgrade includes new features that improve the end-user experience in addition to security updates. When your single code-base works for several apps, you’ll notice a significant difference in terms of time and cost.


Version compatibility

If you choose to design a native app, you will not only spend more money and effort, but you may also run into compatibility concerns. You can, on the other hand, launch your app on the preferred platform with just a little customization in a single codebase app.



A single codebase can be used across several platforms after it has been built. In the development of future applications, portions of the same code are utilized. The potential of reusability provided by a single codebase is a big benefit for mobile app development.


Market Reach

With single code-based apps, market penetration is expected to rise. It doesn’t matter whether the platform is Android, iOS, or Windows with a common code. The app will work on any platform that your users are using. You spend far less money on app development, offering your customers faster access to your business.



Prototyping has become critical to the application development process and this can be more successful when there is a single codebase. This has become simple, quick, and efficient. Moreover, this will guide you on the appropriate path while developing the application.



If you create an app without a single codebase, you’ll have to manage maintenance for each platform separately, including bug fixes, updates, and so on, which will make your team’s life a living hell. Testing and maintenance are made easier and more efficient with a single codebase. It’s no surprise that your maintenance team prefers a single code base.


Backend development

A small code base also aids in backend or server-side development. Rapid cross-platform app development in Java (with a slew of backend frameworks) or Kotlin allows a development team to keep track of a variety of details from a single source code base. The user interface’s intuitiveness is its defining feature. However, the applications must run properly, which necessitates the handling of backend or server-side development behind the scenes.


Rapid Cross-Platform

The applications would work together seamlessly. Open API banking, Omni-channel hub, Payments and collections, Deposits and loans, e-Wallets, Voucher and discounts, Loyalty management, Customer engagement, and many other pre-built modules may all be constructed with a single code base. Rapid cross-platform app development in Java (with a slew of backend frameworks) or Kotlin allows a development team to keep track of a variety of details from a single source code base.


Cloud integration

Applications having a single codebase are entirely compatible with cloud integration. This improved functionality provides a one-of-a-kind experience. As a developer, you can use and allow plugins from a variety of platforms to create the greatest possible user experience.


Wrapping up

In a nutshell, a single codebase framework offers the groundwork for a successful customized app while also allowing for rapid development on both the frontend and back end. It’s a welcome relief for business owners and companies looking for methods to save time and money. They can create an app with excellent scalability thanks to a single code base.